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Guest Faculty at IIIT Sonepat: Apply by Aug 4

Guest Faculty at IIIT Sonepat

Applications are invited for Guest Faculty at IIIT Sonepat for the year 2022. The last date of application is 4 August.

The Institute requires Guest Faculty members to meet out the teaching load requirement for UG classes during the upcoming semester on lecture basis @ Rs. 1500/- per lecture.

The qualification for Guest faculty shall be “First class at UG and PG level with Ph.D. (Desirable) in CSE/IT/ECE/Humanities”. Candidate must have Ph.D./M.Tech completed on the last date of application, failing which he/she will not be eligible.

The interested candidates must submit their application in the prescribed application form (attached) along with self-attested copies of certificates and mark sheets. The hard copy of the completed applications must reach to the office on or before 4.8.2022, 5.00 PM. Additionally, the candidates are also required to fill the Google Form.

Postal Address (for hard copy submission either by post or in person):
Director, Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT),
ITec, Techno Park, IITD, Plot #4-B, Rajiv Gandhi Education city,Rai,
Sonepat.-131029, Haryana
Ph: 0130-2987902 (off)

The interviews will be offline in the Institute. Tentative date and time of interviews is 6th and 7th Aug. 2022 at 10.00 AM.

@ Rs. 1500/- per lecture. Tutorials/practicals/lab courses/seminars on hour basis of @ Rs. 500/-per hour.

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